Some Special Ed Students Leave State To Graduate

By Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express (subscribe)

SACRAMENTO, CA--The following five paragraphs are excerpts from a story in Friday's Sacramento Bee:

Nick Mackey has the beginnings of a solid college application: He plays baseball at Galt High School, shows prize-winning pigs, is active in his church youth group and has excelled in computer courses — the field he hopes to work in someday.

But what the high school senior doesn't have is assurance he'll get a diploma in California, the state where he has received his education.

That's because Nick, who is deaf and struggles with written and spoken language, hasn't passed the English portion of the California High School Exit Exam.

For the first time, passing the math and English test is a state graduation requirement this school year.

So his parents have devised a plan: They will send him to another state for his last semester of high school.

Entire article:
"Some special ed students leave state to graduate" (Sacramento Bee)

See also
"CA Students Return to Court to Force Exit-Exam Issue" (Ragged Edge Online)

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