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National Assn of Deaf Charges Discrimination

The National Association of the Deaf has filed a disability discrimination complaint against Future Horizons, Inc. for refusing to provide interpreters at an austism conference held October 21 in Wichita, Kansas. According to a statement from NAD, the conference brochure noted that "we do not provide a sign interpreter."

Claiming the statement is a direct violation of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the national group filed a complaint with the U.S. Dept. of Justice. They've asked the DOJ "to mandate that Future Horizons provide qualified sign language interpreters at all Future Horizons conferences and public events in the future in accordance with the ADA."

More from the National Association of the Deaf

I understand the need for interpreters and I am surprised that the Autism Society did not provide them. However, the lawsuit approach of resolving this difference is neither the most amicable nor quickest route to resolution.
All people with disabilities have issues of accommodation and if we cannot accomodate each other how can we ask the larger community to accommodate us?

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