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MO $2 Tag Fee 'Discriminatory'

Missouri's practice of charging an additional $2 fee for windshield tags for "handicapped parking" is discriminatory. That's the decision last week from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. a spokesman for the Missouri Attorney General's office could not say when the state would actually stop charging for the tags -- only that it would be "soon." ]

Attorney Fred Switzer who had filed the suit several years ago, called the ruling a victory, adding that it reaffirms the principles of the Americans with Disabilities Act," that people with disabilities "cannot be charged for an accommodation required by the law."

Source: Court calls disabled parking tag charge discriminatory (Associated Press via Kansas City Star).

Ha! In Indiana, they issue you two. When they get stolen, as they inevitably do....I quit locking the van after someone knocked out a window to steal one....they charge you $6 to replace each one, even if you report them stolen!

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