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Medical Poobahs Now Say CFS is 'Real'

People who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) have a genetic make up that affects the body's ability to adapt to change. Articles in the April issue of Pharmacogenomics, just out, clarify the genetic -- that is, biological -- basis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

It good news that the medical poobahs have finally determined that "There is a clear biologic basis for CFS" as the recent CDC
press release
puts it?

You betcha! That's because CFS is premiere among the many little-understood "conditions" that the medical establishment has deemed to belittle, acting as though it doesn't exist; that it's "all in their heads -- that is, womens' heads.

From the CDC press release:

"This study demonstrates that the physiology of people with CFS is not able to adapt to the many challenges and stresses encountered throughout life, such as infection, injury and other adverse events during life," said Dr. William C Reeves, who heads CDC's CFS public health research program. "These findings are important because they will help to focus our research efforts to identify diagnostic tools and more effective treatments which ultimately could alleviate a lot of pain and suffering."

Some links:

About the folks who participated in this CDC work: www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/cfs/meetings/2005_09.htm

Articles in the April issue of Pharmacogenomics visit

I've lived with this illness since 1988, and was diagnosed 14 years ago. I was lucky to have worked with blind and deaf people before I got sick. Thanks to those co-workers, I was exposed to "our" literature, including Womyn's Braille Press, Silent News and the Disability Rag.

That's how I learned that pride in one's abilities, assistive tech, and a kick-ass attitude make for a life worth living. I was able to wheel myself back to the world thanks to that instruction. Some of the folks with CFS I met in support groups bought into the medical model, and retreated to their homes, waiting for a cure. Using a wheelchair and cognitive supports, requesting accommodations when needed, I have been welcomed by many disability rights activists. I've been able to work on improving all our lives, and have met some fabulous people.

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