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The 'Why' Behind 'Project Cleigh'

January is always a good time for new projects. Here at Ragged Edge Online, we've started "Project Cleigh." Ragged Edge contributor Cal Montgomery is going to be collecting your stories -- if you'll email them to her. "I'm hoping you will write me with your stories about those little acts of degradation to which other people subject us," writes Cal. "Those little reminders to us that we need to know our place in the world, and any ways you have come up with to respond to them."

Read Cal's article explaining the project. Then read Stephen Kuusisto's article, The New Vulgarity, with which we launched the new year. The two go together in a way.

We folks at Ragged Edge have been interested for a very long time in recording the ways in which those of us with disabilities are subjected to indignities that almost everyone else thinks aren't important. Back in 2004, we were pleased to run a series of articles about the findings of researcher John Frank -- he'd discovered much the same thing: when people asked for accommodation -- something guaranteed by law -- they ran into all sorts of problems, and not infrequently made to feel that they were the problem -- for asking. Read the articles at http://www.raggededgemagazine.com/focus/ADAaccores1004.html

Project Cleigh' is an apt title for the project. Over the years Carol Cleigh has written many articles for Ragged Edge. For a complete list, and for other references to Carol in our archives, browse this list of Cleigh articles.

Here are a few selected articles by Carol Cleigh that you might find particularly useful:

Creating Access, Now and for the Future

Backsliding and Bigotry

Riding Lessons

Is There Any Safety -- or Equality -- for Gimps?

Attempted Suicide, Completed

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