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September 22, 2005

Oh, to be in Trafalgar-la la la la la

Great to see a sculpture of a disabled person that doesn't have a slot in its head! Comment from "Tim" on Ouch weblog
Right. Alison Lapper - Pregnant is up in Trafalgar Square, London. "Part of a continuing series of temporary works of art being put on public display in the north-west corner of the famous London thoroughfare," says Ouch. There's been lots about the statue in the news, esp. in Britain, of course. Do a google news search if you want to read some of the stuff. (I searched on "Alison Lapper" and got 79,000 hits. That's google news for you!) The Ouch page has a neat slide show you can view even if you have a slow dial-up connection.

Lapper is pregnant, nekkid and disabled -- you can tell that last because the statue has no arms. Just like Lapper herself.

But of course the overriding question is: Is it just there to be PC, or is it "good"? (Temple U.'s Penny Richards has a take on that you should read.) Like everybody else, judge for yourself. Also think about the politics that got it there in the first place.
COMMENT-BODY:I know the Venus de Milo was not originally designed to be without arms, but nevertheless it came to mind.

COMMENT-BODY:This article is really disturbing...


Posted by mjohnson at September 22, 2005 07:55 AM