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August 02, 2005

Figuring blog things out...

... is something I haven't completely done. On this blogging interface, I mean. I want your comments to show up below my posts; I know that can be done because I've seen other blogs that have it. I also want to be able to respond in the same way. So far I haven't figured that out. But I will. Be patient. Maybe tomorrow.
COMMENT-BODY:Blogger Peek-a-boo comment hack
COMMENT-BODY:Thanks, Katja -- now I have to study that! I did make some changes to the settings that i think now allows anyone to post a comment, which is one of the things I wanted. And I think that if you click on a blog entry in the "previous posts" you'll now also see the comments displayed. Or not. Anyhow, I'm progressing.
COMMENT-BODY:Thanks for the comments that Katja left. They were useful to me to. Even though I have a blog, I didn't know all of that. Also, I put a link to Edge-Centric from my Dispoet (my blog). I don't get a lot of traffic but maybe it will help.
COMMENT-BODY:While you're busy figuring things out, do you think you could figure out how to syndicate your blog so that we can read it through aggregators?

Instructions are here: http://help.blogger.com/bin/topic.py?topic=36.

Posted by mjohnson at August 2, 2005 10:39 AM