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Ragged Edge magazine is successor to the award-winning periodical, The Disability Rag. On our website you'll find the best in today's writing about society's "ragged edge" issues: medical rationing, genetic discrimination, assisted suicide, long-term care, attendant services. We cover the disability experience in America -- what it means to be a crip living at the start of the 21st century.

Email us at editor at raggededgemagazine.com -- we're not making this a real link because too many spammers steal it. You know how to do email; you know what we're saying here. If you are contacting us about some problem or improvement suggestion about the guts of our website, email "webmaster at raggededgemagazine.com".

If you really really think you have to send us something by snail mail, here's our address:
Ragged Edge Online
P. O. Box 145
Louisville, KY 40201

But -- we're begging you, now -- please please please don't sent us snail mail. We're swamped with the stuff. Or, maybe this will influence you: we usually don't get around to reading it. If you want to get our attention, email us. If you're online reading this, you know how to use the Web. Get yourself a google mail account if nothing else and email us that way.

A word to the wise: do not -- we repeat, DO NOT -- send article submissions by snail mail. They'll be dumped. You need to email them to us. See our guidelines for how to do that.