Electric EDGE
Web Edition of
The Ragged Edge
Jan/Feb 1998

Electric Edge

Million Mad March in May

Online groups of survivors and ex-patients of psychiatric treatment who are part of the "MADNESS" internet network are making plans for a "Million Mad March" in Washington, DC May 2. "It is our intention to be a visible presence in 'Walk the Walk,' and to raise our international voice as people who experience mood swings, fears, voices and visions," says MADNESS founder Sylvia Caras.

"Walk the Walk" is a national event slated for May 2 and sponsored by U.S. mental health organizations (honorary co-chairs are U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and Tipper Gore.) to "dispel myths about people with mental illness."

Calling it an "International Day of Madness," MADNESS activists are making plans for events in Australia and Canada as well.

For more information, visit the groups' umbrella web site MADNATION (http://www.madnation.org). Or write Sylvia Caras at 146-5 Chrystal Terrace, Santa Cruz, CA 95060-3654 (408) 426-5335 (E-mail: SylviaC@netcom.com).


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