Electric EDGE
Web Edition of
The Ragged Edge
March/April 1998

Electric Edge

We wish we wouldn't see . . .

"I question the sensibilities of the Journal of Rehabilitation in using this advertising. It's very insulting to people with disabilities"

writes Nanci Lederman, Librarian with the Three

Rivers CIL in Pittsburgh, who sent us this ad.


Ad from the back cover of the Oct.-/Nov./Dec. 1997 issue of The Journal of Rehabilitiation, the official publication of the National Rehabilitation Association.

The Journal's address is 633 S. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Fax 703/836-0848

The item is an full page ad. Verbal description of ad: In large type is the headline, "rope a cure for muscular dystrophy!Help MDAhelp people! The image is ofa scantily-clad wonder woman with a lasso in her hand. The text reads, "Muscular Dystrophy Association (800) 572-1717. In very small print are the w ords, "Wonder Woman is a trademark of DCcomics. Used with permiussion. copyright 1994 DCcomics.

You can send your candidates for "We wish . . ." to Ragged Edge, P.O. Box 145, Louisville, KY 40201



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