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Deaf NZ child -- 'a burden on the state' -- is murdered; father charged

Thanks to REO reader Rita Maria LeDrew for alerting us to this story...

In Auckland, New Zealand, a deaf girl is murdered, and her father has been charged. In the investigation, it comes out that the family was upset because they were told by the NZ immigration authorities that they'd likely be denied residency because their daughter was deaf and would be "a burden on the state."

From the New Zealand Star:

The Immigration Service requires immigrants to prove they or their dependents will not be a burden on health services and applicants have to answer medical questions, including whether they have hearing difficulties.

Deaf children are considered a potential burden because of the need for surgery and cochlear implants.

Read story from the Sunday Star Times.

Hmm......"need" for surgery?

Who in this world has the right to say that another person is a burden in any way on society?

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