Ragged Edge Online Home

Yes, we've started the google ads

Ragged Edge Online has made a decision to run google ads on our site. There are lots of great products and services out there, and this is a good way to find out about them.

But google ads on Ragged Edge can lead to some weird things as well :

  • Ads for genetic testing on a page with a story about how activists protest genetic tests.

  • Ads for hearing aids on a story where Gallaudet students are protesting to keep the school "culturally Deaf."

  • An ad promoting a "cure" charity paired with a story about a group protesting that very thing.

OK, what to do?

Ragged Edge needs the ad revenue.

And you have a great opportunity: Just click on the offensive ad's link -- go to their page, and tell them what you think! If you think genetic testing is wrong, tell them so. If you think a "cure" charity's zeal is misplaced, do a little educating.

On the other hand, google might pop up a really cool ad from a company that needs a lot of support. Click on the ad, go to the site and tell them you like their product. Heck, you can even buy the product!

It's up to you. These ads can work for Ragged Edge and for the disability community.

If you'll take action.

As always, thanks for supporting Ragged Edge!

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